
Results 231 to 235 of 397 in Faculty of Medicine and Health

A population image representing the School of Psychology's Research Grand Challenges Istock 936526512 800x400

Professor Daryl O'Connor, the Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Research Board, addressed the symposium on ‘Moving Psychological Science Forward in Europe’.

Student wearing virtual reality headset

A new virtual reality tool developed by the University of Leeds, which aims to promote nursing and other specialist health subjects to prospective students, is one of several innovative projects awarded funding by the Office for Students (OfS) today.

An image of children and adults walking through a field representing carers and service users

David Cottrell, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (LIHS) has been working as a special advisor for a children's play which premieres in York this week.

hospital surgery

Leeds clinical academic and thoracic surgeon leads the programme for an international symposium for Women in Cardiothoracic Surgery

Woman with chronic neck pain

In a large study of almost 40 000 adult patients with polymyalgia rheumatica or giant cell arteritis in England, researchers found higher absolute risks of infection when patients were taking oral steroids than when they were not taking them.