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School of Healthcare Research and innovation
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What does shared decision-making mean to children aged 8-12 years with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia?
Values Based Recruitment: What works for whom, why, and in what circumstances?
Understanding the prevalence, care and management of frailty in care home residents
Trans-venous occlusion of incompetent pelvic veins as a treatment for chronic pelvic pain in women: a pilot randomised control trial
Towards modelling an asthma e-health communication tool for young people: a scoping exercise of current practice
The safety and quality of the management of medicines when people with dementia move between the care home and hospital setting - PhD study
The GEM study: Games for educating midwives in Sub-Saharan Africa
The detection and management of pain in patients with dementia in acute care settings: development of a decision tool
The challenges of shared decision making and antipsychotic polypharmacy in forensic settings an interview and observational study
Supporting young mothers (aged 14-25) in the first two years of life
SPICES: Seclusion and Psychiatric Intensive Care Evaluation Study
Social Prescribing: A way forward in assisting self-management of osteoarthritis (OA)
Relationship between care home staffing and quality of care: a mixed methods approach
Re-imagining professionalism in mental health
Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC)
Providing the foundation for effective decision support for skin problems in primary care
Providing a standardised approach to virtual clinical follow up of total joint replacement
Prescribing and use of opioids for chronic non-malignant pain: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
Patient Safety Translational Research Centre - Safe Use of Medicines Theme
Organising general practice for care homes: A multi-method study
My First 1000 Days: A feasibility study of centering-based group care to improve physical, psychological, developmental, and social outcomes of caregivers and infants
January 2023
February 2026
Midland and North of England Stillbirth Study
Medication adherence Validation and feasibility testing of a novel questionnaire to identify barriers to medication adherence
Leeds Older women Urinary Incontinence Self-Management (LOUISA)
Investigating the barriers and facilitators to the prescribing and use of medicines in managing neuropathic pain- PhD study
Innovation to enhance health in care homes: Rapid evidence synthesis
Improving the safety and continuity of medicines management at care transitions (ISCOMAT) for people with heart failure
Implementing the six core strategies (6CS) – UK Working in partnership to minimise harm to patients and staff.
Identifying and managing perinatal mental health in male partners using the Born and Bred in Yorkshire (BaBY) cohort: White Rose collaboration in gender and perinatal mental health
Fostering and sustaining UK, multidisciplinary, family-focused care across the life-course: A White Rose collaboration in long-term condition management
Evaluation of patient preferences for and cost effectiveness of community intravenous antibiotic services (CIVAS)
Engaging Partners in Childbirth for Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (EPOCH Study): preliminary work for a randomised controlled trial
Effects of a demand-led evidence briefing service on the uptake and use of research evidence by commissioners of health
Early facilitated discharge in acute mental health
Developing a service user centred co-designed patient safety intervention for acute mental health wards: A mixed methods process evaluation
Delivering Digital Drugs
Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) for African Caribbeans with schizophrenia and their families
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for falls prevention in older people
Children and young people with CKD: a qualitative study of their views on desirable components for a developmentally appropriate, CKD-specific information and support software application
Children and young people aged 8-15 years with severe allergic eye disease: Development and refinement of a developmentally appropriate Quality of Life measure
Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study (CHIPPS)
Cancer care co-ordinators and support workers supporting specialist cancer nursing services
Barriers and facilitators to deprescribing for older people living in care homes – PhD study
Assessing research capacity and capability (RECAP) in HCPs: A collaborative pilot study in Leeds Children’s Hospital
Apps for adolescents with chronic rheumatic disease (CRD): a qualitative study of young people’s, parents’ and professionals’ views on required components of a mobile health-app to support self-care
An exploration of the perspectives of chronic pelvic pain amongst women from South Asian backgrounds
An evaluation of the Birth Matters Clinic
Administration of medicines in care homes (with nursing) for older people by care assistants
Addressing what matters to frail older people and their informal carers in primary care based clinical encounters and contacts
Acceptability of an online dietary recall tool in women with gestational diabetes
A review of evidence on skin care for healthy babies at term and to inform the development of practice guidelines
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