PhD student Penn Smith wins Leeds for Life grant
PhD student Penn Smith wins Leeds for Life funding for event titled - ‘A picture of mental health’: Exhibition of photos by service users and staff at an innovative rehabilitation and recovery service
The School congratulates Penn Smith on her success winning a Leeds for Life Foundation grant.
The purpose of the project is to host an exhibition to provoke conversation about how best to support people with severe and enduring mental health needs, predominantly psychosis. It is also to celebrate staff and services users at an innovative recovery and rehabilitation mental health facility who took photographs to help convey their experience of the service. The service is a collaboration between the National Health Service and three charities: Community Links, Leeds MIND, and Touchstone. The exhibition has the potential for high impact and is integral to the ethos of Penn’s PhD through providing public recognition of participants’ contribution and creativity and communicating her findings to the public in an innovative way. The event will be on World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2018. The venue will be advertised well in advance.