Links between poor sleep and poor mental wellbeing
Inadequate sleep at night leads to poor memory and increases the risk of depression, anxiety and stress, according to research by our academic psychologists Dr Anna Weighall and Dr Ian Kellar.
Awards ceremony for local schools who participated in our e-cigarette study
We held an awards ceremony to thank Schools for their participation in our research, which highlighted that teenagers in Britain who have tried e-cigarettes are more likely to have tried cigarettes.
PhD Student Penn Smith wins a poster prize at QMiP Conference 2017
Our Level 2 Psychology PhD student, Penn Smith, won the poster prize at the British Psychological Society QMiP Conference 2017 in Aberystwyth last week.
Dr Andrew Holmes wins prestigious research award
Dr Andrew Holmes, who obtained his PhD from Leeds Psychology in 1998, and who is now Chief of the NIAAA Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic Neuroscience in Bethesda MD, has recently won the prestigious Daniel H Efron Research Award from the American College of Neurospsychopharmacology (ACNP).
Psychology come top in prestigious University awards
Jane Blackwell named Postgraduate Researcher of the year and Michelle Young runner up in the 3-minute thesis competition.