Presidency for Jason

Head of the School of Psychology, Professor Jason Halford becomes president of the European Association for the Study on Obesity this week.
Established in 1986, EASO is the voice of obesity science, medicine, and community in Europe, with 36 national member societies, 132 specialised obesity management centres, an official relationship with the World Health Organisation (Europe), and a new policy base in Brussels. It hosts the annual European Congress of Obesity, the 28th of which is this week, with over 3,000 delegates registered.
During his presidency, Jason aims to emphasise a personalised approaches to treatment and recognise the lived experience of patients, and to continue to improve the food environment. He will also be developing a Psychology, Behaviour and Mental Health group with EASO to guide education, research, and advocacy in mental health issues associated with those living with obesity. He also hopes to support local services in Leeds for adults and children to become EASO collaborating centres for obesity management.