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Improving outcomes for chronic orofacial pain including temporomandibular disorders – The TMD study

Patients suffering from chronic pain in the face, mouth or jaw can download a self-help guide proven to benefit them in managing their condition.

Someone in a white lab coat pointing to a model liver

A new discovery about how the liver flushes cholesterol from the body could lead to more effective treatments for cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death worldwide.

A national supervised toothbrushing programme should be rolled out in our schools to tackle the crisis of tooth decay affecting millions of children

A national supervised toothbrushing programme should be rolled out in our schools to tackle the crisis of tooth decay affecting millions of children.

elderly group sitting chatting representing  Successful ageing psychology research at the University of Leeds

Reimagine Ageing Doctoral Research Programme to improve quality of life, functional capacity and well-being of older people and through the Leeds Reimagine Ageing (RA) Network. Deadline 7 May.

Older people in a care home setting. Two are playing chess and one person is looking at a book with a carer. Another person is sitting in a wheelchair talking to a carer.

Care home residents receive much better care when they enjoy ‘family’ bonds with staff – but staff must be empowered to create these bonds, new research has found.