Professor Dan Stark
- Position: Professor of Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Research (Consultant)
- Areas of expertise: Clinical and applied research in: - Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer - Sarcomas - Germ cell tumours - Quality of Life in clinical trials - Quality of Life in Clinical Practice
- Email: D.P.Stark@leeds.ac.uk
- Website: TYA patient-centred research | ORCID
With a regional specialist clinical practice in Teenagers and Young Adults (TYA) with cancer, Germ cell tumours and sarcomas, I undertake clinical trial leadership and design for TYA with cancer, study quality of life & psychological wellbeing, and translational research in TYA cancer. I led an EU FP7 TYA research programme in this 2011-2016 and participate in others 2022-27. I chair the undergraduate medical school strand ENQUIRE, teaching enquiry methods and approaches. I chair the National Research Group on Teenagers and Young Adults and Germ Cell tumours 2018-25.
Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology
Supervision commitments PhD Nicola Hughes 2018-2024
Deputy Training programme director (~30 postgraduate clinical academics)
Current and previous roles
Chair the National Research Group on Teenagers and Young Adults and Germ Cell tumours 2018-25.
Member for Northern England NHS England Clinical Reference Group for cancer in Children and Young People. Chair working party national service specification for TYA with cancer 2023.
Deputy academic training programme director, NIHR ICAT (Integrated Clinical Academic Training), West Yorkshire
Lead, European Network for Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer
Regional Network and Leeds Cancer Centre clinical lead- TYA with cancer, germ cell tumour
Committee member SIOPE-Europe for TYA cancer
Committee member SIOPE-Europe/ESMO educational committee for AYA cancer
Previous roles
Workforce Lead, Medical Oncology, Royal College of Physicians
Chair, MRC research subgroup, Quality of Life in the ICON 7 Trial
Chair, MRC research subgroup, Quality of Life in the ICON 6 Trial
Co-Chair NCRI Research Collaborative ‘COMPASS’ 2010-11
Training Programme Director, Medical Oncology Yorkshire Deanery (2003-9)
Department of Health Committee- Choice of place of care in TYA with cancer 2010
- Deputy Academic Training Programme Director, NIHR IAT
- Co-lead for ENQUIRE, Years 1-5 MbChB
- Co-Lead, Division of Oncology Research
Research interests
Research into Teenagers and Young Adults with cancer, sarcomas, germ cell tumours and quality of life in clinical trials and clinical practice
- PhD (Leeds)
- MB
- MA (Cantab)
- BChir
Professional memberships
- ESMO (committee member)
- SIOPE (committee member)
- RCP (London)
- ENTYAC (Chair)
Student education
Responding to the higher proportion of medical students carrying out out an undergraduate research project in many other leading medical schools, I led in devising, developing and implementing the research Evaluation and Special Studies Strand, RESS, such that by 2014 in Leeds all our MbChB students were trained and encouraged to participate in research or other clinical enquiry.
This innovative programme, unique when it began in 2010, builds, teaches and encourages within every MbChB student, iteratively from years 1-5 of the undergraduate curriculum, a set of skills in clinical, educational and/or research enquiry. Now it rebranding and evolving to become ENQUIRE in response to the GMC outcomes of 2018
Previously I led cancer teaching within the MbChB
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's
- Cancer
- Long-term conditions
<li><a href="//phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/1487-limr-clinical:-adherence-with-cancer-treatment-in-adolescents-and-young-adults">LIMR Clinical: Adherence with Cancer Treatment in Adolescents and Young Adults</a></li>