Delia Muir

Delia Muir


Please note, I am currently on maternity leave. Returning Jan 2026. 

I lead the engagement team at the Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research (LICTR), overseeing Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) and Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

I have a background in performance and an interest in how arts-based approaches can be used to facilitate meaningful, inclusive conversations about health. In 2015 I was awarded a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellowship to further explore that interest.

I work closely with the skin research team at LICTR. As part of that I facilitate the Pressure Ulcer Research Service User Network (PURSUN). PURSUN is made up of people with personal experience of pressure ulcers or pressure ulcer risk (i.e. patients, carers and family members). Network members use their experiences to inform research and practice.  

I am co-chief investigator for the Pressure Ulcer Prevention at Home 2 (PUP@home2) study. PUP@home is a participatory project in partnership with service users, carers and PAs. I am registered for a part time PhD, alongside my staff role. Through the PhD, I am collaboratively evaluating the participatory approaches used in PUP@home, including the use of creative participatory methods.

I have helped to develop best practice locally and nationally. For example, developing and implementing PPIE policy and strategy across LICTR; contributing to national guidance on inclusive PPIE (via the NIHR Reaching Out project); and authoring a book chapter on Public Involvement in Qualitative Research

I am an active member of the UK Participatory Research Network and the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research.


  • Public Involvement and Engagement Lead for LICTR and Leeds CRUK CTU

Research interests

Creative approaches to public involvement, engagement and participatory research e.g.

Public involvement in pressure ulcer research e.g.

Building partnerships with underserved communities e.g.

Involvement and engagement within clinical trials research e.g.

Ethically conscious involvement and engagement e.g.


  • BA Hons Acting, University of Leeds

Professional memberships

  • Member of the UKCRC Registered Clinical Trials Units Network Public Involvement and Engagement Group
  • Member of NIHR Voices - regional public involvement network (past chair)
  • Member of the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research (ICPHR)
  • Member of the UK Participatory Research Network

Student education

I currently deliver sessions on PPIE, social inclusion and writing in plain English for post graduate level modules in the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Research groups and institutes

  • Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research