Eleanor Bowes

Eleanor Bowes


I am a research assistant within the Academic Unit of Primary Care. My broad interests include behaviour change interventions to support management of diabetes and associated long-term health conditions. My particular interests include improving adherence to nutrition interventions such as diabetes prevention programmes. My areas of expertise include intervention co-development, behaviour change techniques, process evaluations, and a range of qualitative and quantitative methods. 

I am currently working on the SPACES (Supporting Physical Activity through Co-design in adults with Severe Mental Illness) trial as the qualitative researcher and primary process evaluation researcher for the full-scale trial.  

I have worked as the research assistant on the POSE-D study, a Diabetes-UK funded study, adapting an online intervention for the management of binge eating in adults with Type 2 diabetes. 

Previously, I worked in a clinical setting, delivering the National Diabetes Prevention Programme to NHS patients across England, for which I undertook additional training in diabetes management, Intuitive Eating, motivational interviewing techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling skills. 

Research interests

  • Behavioural science/ behaviour change 

  • Complex intervention development 

  • Process evaluations (mixed methods) 

  • Type 2 diabetes 


  • BSc - Bangor University (2018)
  • MSc Nutrition - University of Leeds (2020)

Professional memberships

  • Associate Registered Nutritionist (ANutr) - Association for Nutrition

Student education

MBChB lecturing and tutoring.