Dr Andrew Kirby
- Position: Associate Professor (Consultant)
- Areas of expertise: 1- Complicated intra-abdominal infection 2- Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis 3- Healthcare Associated Infection 4- Antibiotic pharmacology 5- Narrative based education.
- Email: A.Kirby@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 392 3929
- Location: Microbiology department Old Medical School, Leeds General Infirmary
- Website: | Twitter | Researchgate | ORCID
I trained in medicine at the University of Liverpool, completing training in 2001. I then undertook an MSc in Medical and Molecular Microbiology at the University of Manchester.
After medical posts in the UK, Australia and New Zealand I undertook training in medical and molecular microbiology whilst a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. During this time i completed an MD into the diagnosis and epidemiology of norovirus infection and completed professional exams in medical microbiology, before moving to Leeds.
In Leeds, I work as an Associate Clinical Professor in Microbiology and as an Honorary Consultant Microbiologist. I am deputy chair of the grants review committee at the Healthcare Infection Society.
I am the Consultant Chair of the National Infection Trainee Collaborative for Audit and Research which can be accessed here.
- Microbiology lead for medical student education
Research interests
Research: The EXTEND trial
We are leading a multicentre NIHR funded trial into the antibiotic managmenet of complicated intra-abdominal infection (cIAI), in collaboration with the University of York. The trial is titled:
The EXTEND trial: Fixed-extended-duration antibiotics (28 days) compared to standard care antibiotic durations in adult patients with complicated intra-abdominal infection and their impact on treatment failure-a phase III multicentre, open label, two-arm, parallel group, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial with internal pilot
Research: Colo-Pro_2
We are leading a trial to optimise antibiotic prophyalxis for patients undergoing colorectal surgery called Colo-Pro_2. The trial uses targetted antibiotic infusions to respond to the increased threat of antmicrobial resistant Infecrions to routine surgical procedures.
Education_The GermBugs
This is a medical education resource to teach medical students core clinical microbiology concepts. The website for the resource is available here.
Collaboration_ The National Infection Teams Collaborative for Audit and Research
The National Infection Teams Collaborative for audit and research is a UK wide organisation which faciitates national projects in the field of infection. We have undertaken a range of projects on topics such as Hospital Onset Diarrhoea, Meningitis, Encephalitis, Intra-abdominal infection, Gentamicin prescribing, Necrotising otitis externa and Vertebral Osteomyelitis. Adopted studies are carreid out at up to 80 UK hospitals and have gone on to receive competitive national funding. I started NITCAR in 2014 and continue to be its consultant chair. More information is available here.
- MSc Medical and Molecular Microbiology
- MD Medical Microbiology
- FRCPath
Professional memberships
- British Infection Association
- British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
- European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- Healthcare Infection Society
- National Infection Trainee Collaborative for Audit and Research
Student education
I am the lead for the microbiology curriculum in the undergraduate medical school. I supervise medical students on ESREP (Extended Student Research projects) and MRes projects.
Additionally i have worked collaboratively with staff across the University of Leeds to develop online story based resources for microbiology education. See below for more information:
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's
- Healthcare Associated Infection Research Group
- Healthcare Associated Infection Research Group.