Dr Sarah Kingsbury

Dr Sarah Kingsbury


Sarah is an Associate Professor and Musculoskeletal Strategic Lead for LIRMM. Prior to joining LIRMM, Sarah’s background was in cell and molecular biology; she completed a BSc (Hons) at University College London (UCL) in Molecular Biology in 2002 followed by a PhD at UCL in Cell Biology in 2005. Following her PhD she spent 4 years as a Research Fellow at the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, UCL exploring the DNA replication licensing machinery as a therapeutic and diagnostic cancer target.

Sarah joined the University of Leeds in 2009. Her research focusses on evaluting novel and re-purposed therapies for osteoarthritis and related conditions, understanding current treatments, especially the pharmacoepidemiology of therapies, using big data sources such as CPRD and understanding structure-pain relationships in osteoarthritis and shoulder pain. She collaborates across LIRMM, the School of Medicine and externally, with a particular focus on orthopaedic interventions and care pathways and health services research.


  • Deputy Section Head, Musculoskeletal Medicine and Imaging

Research interests

My research interests are in improving the health of people with musculoskeletal diseases and in improving the delivery of health services. Current studies include:

Orthopaedics/health services research:

NIHR funded UK-SAFE study to develop evidence-based recommendations for follow-up of primary hip and knee joint replacement 

Versus Arthritis funded study to provide a standardised approach to virtual clinic follow-up of total joint replacement


Interventional studies:

PROMOTE (Pain Reduction with Oral Methotrexate in knee Osteoarthritis, a randomised trial of Treatment Effectiveness)

OPPORTUNITY (Osteoarthritis Preoperative Package for care of Orthotics, Rehabilitation, Topical and oral agent Usage and Nutrition to Improve ouTcomes at a Year)

aMigO (Developing peer mentorship to improve self-management of osteoarthritis: A feasibility study)

BRIO (A dietary intervention trial to examine the protective effect of broccoli bioactives (specifically sulforaphane) on osteoarthritis)


Recently completed studies:

HERO (Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy in Reducing the symptoms of hand Osteoarthritis) trial: https://www.bmj.com/content/360/bmj.k774


  • PhD Cell Biology, University College London, 2005
  • BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology, University College London, 2002

Research groups and institutes

  • Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine
  • Non-Inflammatory Musculoskeletal
<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4> <p>We welcome enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our <a href="https://phd.leeds.ac.uk">research opportunities</a> allow you to search for projects and scholarships.</p>
    <li><a href="//phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/1993-characterising-gait-dysfunction-and-developing-a-novel-ai-biomarker-for-early-detection-of-osteoarthritis-onset-and-progression--">Characterising gait dysfunction and developing a novel AI biomarker for early detection of osteoarthritis onset and progression </a></li>