Professor Allan House
- Position: Emeritus Professor of Liaison Psychiatry
- Areas of expertise: liaison psychiatry; self-harm; suicide; medically unexplained symptoms; mental-physical co-morbidity
- Email: A.O.House@leeds.ac.uk
- Website: Allan House: my blog | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
I am Emeritus Professor of Liaison Psychiatry in the School of Medicine. From 2005 to September 2013 I was Director of the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, a multidisciplinary institute in the School of Medicine with a substantial portfolio of activities in education and in applied health research.
My personal research interests include the overlap between physical and mental disorder, medically unexplained symptoms, suicide and self-harm.
Until 2016 I chaired the Yorkshire and Humber Research Funding Committee of the National Institute for Health Research's Research for Patient Benefit programme. I have served as a member of the HTA Commissioning Board and HTA Efficient Study Designs Board, and as a sub-panel member for NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) and member of the NIHR Higher Awards Fellowship committee.
I have co-authored two introductory texts on research methods: Understanding Clinical Papers, Bowers, House, Owens + Bewick (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 4th edition 2020) and Getting Started in Health Research, David Bowers, Allan House and David Owens (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2011).
Previous roles
- 2006 – Sept 2013: Director, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences
- 2004–2006: Acting Director, Institute of Health Sciences and Public Health Research, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds
- November 1999 – August 2020: Professor of Liaison Psychiatry, Head of Academic Unit of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Leeds
- October 1997 – October 1999: Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Leeds
- July 1989 – September 1997: Consultant and Senior Lecturer, Department of Liaison Psychiatry, Leeds General Infirmary
- April 1989 – June 1989: Locum Consultant Psychiatrist, Elms Clinic, Banbury, Oxfordshire
- April 1986 – March 1989: Acting Clinical Lecturer/Honorary Senior Registrar, Department of Psychiatry, Oxford University
- August 1980 – April 1986: Lecturer/Honorary Senior Registrar in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Nottingham
- September 1978 – July 1980: Rotating Registrar in Psychiatry, University of Nottingham
- August 1977 – July 1978: Senior House Officer in Neurology, Tayside Regional Neurology Centre, Dundee Royal Infirmary
- March 1976 – July 1977: Rotating Senior House Officer in General Medicine, Nottingham City Hospital
- January 1975 – March 1976: Pre-registration House Surgeon and House Physician, Southampton General Hospital
Research interests
My research interests are in three main areas: mental and physical co-morbidity, including medically unexplained symptoms; self-harm; mental health services in non-psychiatric settings. To give an idea of the range of his interests, here are my main funded activities:
Recent funding
- E Guthrie C Brennan, D McMillan, C Graham,, A Farrin, A Wright-Hughes, S Tubeuf, S Hartley, S Nijjar, D Hammond-Jones (A House forner CI) Function REplacement in repeated Self-Harm: Standardising Therapeutic Assessment and the Related Therapy: FReSH START NIHR PGfAR £2.49m 2018-2024 https://freshstart.leeds.ac.uk/
- Broomfield N (CI), Walters M, House A, West R, Mead G, Slaven H, Gillepsie D Testing for Emotionalism After Recent Stroke (TEARS) The Stroke Association £209,900 2013-26
- A House (CI) M Crawford, C Czoski-Murray, E Guthrie, M Fossey, J Hewison, C Hulme, C Smith, P Trigwell, S Tubeuf, R West Liaison Psychiatry: Measurement And Evaluation of Service Types, Referral patterns and Outcomes LP-MAESTRO NIHR HS&DR Project13/58/08 - £1.104m 2015-2017 https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/programmes/hsdr/135808/#/
- G Mead (CI) M Dennis, S Lewis, A House, M Hackett, G Hankey, M Macleod, C Anderson, D Morales, J Forbes, F Sullivan Fluoxetine Or Control Under Supervision (FOCUS). A multicentre randomised trial to establish the effect of routine administration of Fluoxetine in patients with a recent stroke NIHR HTA Programme £2.04m 2014-2019
- Forster A (CI), Young J, Hewison J, House A, Hulme C, Hawkins R, Dickerson J, Richardson G, Bhakta B, Hartley S, Speed M, McKevitt C, Farrin A, Fay M, McEachan R, Foy R. Development and evaluation of strategies to provide longer-term health and social care for stroke survivors and their carers LoTS2Care. NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Health Research. £1,673,049. (Ref:RP-PG-0611-10017), 2013-2018.
- House A (CI), Bryant L, Russell A M, Farrin A, Graham L, Walwyn R, Hulme C, Latchford G, Stansfield A, Riley D, Nagi D, Ajjan, R and others. Looking after yourself when you have diabetes, NIHR HTA programme, £612,414, 2013–2016.
- Foy, R (CI), Alderson S, McLintock K, West R, Potrata B, House A, Johnson K. Evaluation of screening for depression in patients with chronic physical disease in primary care NIHR Research for Patient Benefit. £242141; 2011-14.
- Foy R (CI), Montana C, Bennett MI, Closs J, House A, Glidewell L, Petty D. Understanding prescribing of opioids for chronic, non-cancer pain in general practice. NIHR Research for Patient Benefit. £248252; 2012-14.
- Cottrell D (CI), House A (Co-I) and others. Self-Harm Intervention, Family Therapy: a randomised controlled trial of family therapy vs. treatment as usual for young people seen after an episode of self-harm. NIHR HTA programme £2,535,295, 2008–2014.
- Owens DW (CI), Farrin A, Graham E, Hatcher S, House A, Pembroke L, Protheroe D MIDSHIPS: Multicentre Intervention Designed for Self-Harm using Interpersonal Problem Solving: a feasibility study NIHR - Research for Patient Benefit Programme 2012-14.
- House A (CI) and others. IMPROVE-PC: Improving prevention of vascular disease in primary care, a research theme in LYBRA CLAHRC: Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research Theme, £3m 2008-13, CLAHRC £18.1m, 2008–2013.
- Forster A (CI), House A (Co-I) and others. Improving patient and carer centred outcomes in long-term stroke care LoTSCare. NIHR programme grant, £1,646,241, 2007–2011.
- Mir G (CI), House A (Co I) and others. Addressing depression in Muslim Communities: Development of a guidance manual. NIHR RfPB programme, £241,656, 2010–2012.
- House A (CI), Ahmed S (Co-I) and others. Antenatal Mental Health in a Bi-Ethnic Population – Understanding and Responding to Emotional and Somatic Distress in Pregnancy. NIHR RfPB Programme, £249,999, 2009–2011.
- Hughes T (CI), House A (Co-I) and others. The prevalence and importance of unrecognized bi-polar disorder among patients prescribed antidepressant medication in UK General Practice. NIHR RfPB programme, £248,219, 2010–2011.
- Ferrier I N (PI), House A (Co I) and others. Antiglucocorticoid augmentation of antiDepressants in Depression – The ADD Study Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (NIHR). £1 million, May 2010–July 2012.
- Lawton G (CI), House A (Co-I) and others. NEST 2 – Naturalistic study of the short-term course of non-epileptic seizures (NES) after communication of diagnosis. NIHR RfPB programme, £250,000, May 2009–June 2011.
Professional activities
- Previous member of HTA Commissioning Board and Wellcome Trust Populations and Public Health Committee 2012– 2016: Chair, Research for Patient Benefit Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Funding Committee
- 2012 - 2019 Sub-panel Member, NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research
- 2014: Member, NIHR Postdoctoral Fellowships Committee
- 2015 - 2018: Member, NIHR Fellowships Committee (Career Development, Senior and Transition Fellows)
- 2013 - 2017 Member, Leeds School of Medicine Athena Swan Steering Committee, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences Athena Swan Self Assessment Team.
- BSc
- M.B.,B.S,
- MRCPsych
- DM
Research groups and institutes
- Psychological and Social Medicine