Professor Jenny Hewison
- Position: Professor of the Psychology of Healthcare
- Areas of expertise: Applied health research methods; evidence and policy making in healthcare; test evaluation; the incorporation of patient perspectives into the evaluation and assessment of health technologies.
- Email: J.Hewison@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 1894
- Location: 11.56 Worsley Building
I am an applied health researcher and research methodologist with academic interests in the relationships between research methods, evidence and policy making in healthcare, and in particular, in the incorporation of patient perspectives into the evaluation and assessment of health technologies. I read natural sciences at Cambridge before studying for an MSc and PhD in London. My current role is that of Professor of the Psychology of Healthcare in the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences at Leeds University’s School of Medicine, following previously held academic posts in the universities of London, Durham and Newcastle. I have contributed to National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) boards and committees in the HealthTechnology Assessment Programme (HTA), Programme Grants for Applied Research, Global Health Research and the Fellowships Programme. I am a member of the Advisory Committee for the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme run by Public Health England's National Screening Committee.
ESRC/MRC Innovative Health Technologies Programme. Social and ethnic differences in attitudes and consent to prenatal testing. Hewison J, Green J, Cuckle H, Mueller R, Thornton J. £182K 2001-2004
NHS R&D Health Technology Assessment Programme. Amniocentesis results – investigation of anxiety. Hewison J et al £254k 2001-05
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment Programme A randomised preference trial of medical versus surgical termination of pregnancies less than 14 weeks gestation. Robson S, Deverill M, Hewison J, Howel D, May C, Mansour D £523k 2005-2008
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research. Improving patient and carer centred outcomes in longer-term stroke care. Forster A et al £1.86m 2007-12
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research. Evaluating the benefits for patients and the NHS of new and existing biological fluid biomarkers in liver and renal disease. Selby P, Hewison J, Rosenberg W, Johnson P, Gregory W, Banks R, McCabe C, Sturgeon C, Thompson D, Altman D, Deeks J, Barnes I £2.2m 2009-15
MRC Methodology Programme Qualitative Research in Trials: the QUART study O’Cathain A, Thomas K, Hewison J £200k
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme Attitudes towards genetic testing for inherited retinal disease McKibbin M, Potrata B, Ahmed M, Jones S, Hewison J £242k 2010-2013
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research, Programme Development Grant Towards safer delivery and monitoring of cancer treatments. Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice (eRAPID). Velikova G et al £100k
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research, Programme Development Grant Prospective comparative evaluation of alternative vascular service models in the UK NHS. Scott J et al £100k
NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme A randomised multi-stage phase II/III study of Sunitinib comparing Temporary cessation with Allowing continuation, at the time of maximal response, in the first-line treatment of locally advanced/metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Brown, Janet et al £2.4m 2011-19
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research Towards safer delivery and monitoring of cancer treatments. Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice (eRAPID). Velikova G et al £2.2m 2013-18
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research Development and evaluation of strategies to provide longer-term health and social care for stroke survivors and their carers. Forster A et al £1.7m 2013-18
NIHR Research for Patient Benefit A feasibility study of Surgery versus Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) for peripheral stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients considered at high risk from surgical resection. Franks et al £250k
Medical Research Council The Leeds MRC Bioinformatics Centre. Markham et al £6.9m 2014-18
NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Liaison Psychiatry: Measurement And Evaluation of Service Types, Referral patterns and Outcomes. House et al £1.2m 2015-19.
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research, Programme Development Grant Sustained exercise TrAining for Men wIth prostate caNcer on Androgen deprivation: the STAMINA programme. Rosario et al £100k
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research Sustained exercise TrAining for Men wIth prostate caNcer on Androgen deprivation: the STAMINA programme. Rosario et al £2.5m 2018-23
-O’Cathain A, Thomas K, Drabble S, Rudolph A, Goode J, Hewison J Maximising the value of combining qualitative research and randomised controlled trials in health research: The QUALitative Research in Trials (QUART) study – A mixed methods study. Health Technology Assessment 18(38):1-197 2014.
-Potrata B, Lim JNW, Hewison J, McKibbin M ?To perpetuate blindness!?: attitudes of UK patients with inherited retinal disease towards genetic testing. J.Community Genetics 2014 Jul;5(3):215-22
-Baxter P, Longo R, Hall P, Hewison J, Afshar M, Hall G, McCabe C. Methods for identifying the cost effective case definition cut-off for sequential monitoring tests: an extension of Phelps and Mushlin. PharmacoEconomics 32(4):327-334 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s40273-014-0134-1.
Forster A, Mellish K, Farrin A, Bhakta B, House A, Hewison J, et al. Development and evaluation of tools and an intervention to improve patient- and carer-centred outcomes in Longer-Term Stroke care and exploration of adjustment post stroke: the LoTS care research programme. Programme Grants Appl Res 2014;2(6)
-Drabble S, O’Cathain A, Thomas K, Rudolph A, Hewison J Describing qualitative research undertaken with randomised controlled trials in grant proposals: a documentary analysis. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2014, 14:24 doi:10.186/1471-2288-14-24.
-Tubeuf S, Willis TA, Potrata B, Grant H, Allsop MJ, Ahmed M, Hewison J, Mckibbin M. Willingness-to-pay for genetic testing for inherited retinal disease. European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication 11 June 2014; doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2014.111
-McKibbin M, Ahmed M, Allsop M, Downey L, Gale R, Grant H, Potrata B, Willis T, Hewison J Current understanding of genetics and genetic testing and information needs and preferences of adults with inherited retinal disease. Eur J Hum Genet 22(9):1058-1062 2014.
- Jafri H, Hewison J, Sheridan E, Ahmed S Acceptability of prenatal testing and termination of pregnancy in Pakistan. Journal of Community Genetics, 2015 Jan;6(1):29-37.
-Hewison J Psychological aspects of individualized choice and reproductive autonomy in prenatal screening. Bioethics 2015, 29, 9-18. (Guest Editors Dondorp W and van Lith J)
-Wright KF, Bryant LD, Hewison J, Morley S, Duff AJA, Peckham D. Presenting life with cystic fibrosis: a new approach to developing balanced, experience-based prenatal testing information. Health Expectations 2015 Volume 18 (5)1349–1362.
-Eldridge SM, Chan C, Campbell MJ, Bond CM, Hopewell S, Thabane L, Lancaster GA, Altman D, Bretz F, Campbell M, Cobo E, Craig P, Davidson P, Groves T, Gumedze F, Hewison J, Hirst A, Hoddinott P, Lamb S, Lang T, McColl E, O'Cathain A, Shanahan DR, Sutton C, Tugwell P. CONSORT 2010 Statement: extension to randomised pilot and feasibility trials. BMJ. 2016; 355: i5239 84.
- Kate Absolom; Patricia Holch; Lorraine Warrington; Faye Samy; Claire Hulme; Jenny Hewison; Carolyn Morris; Leon Bamforth; Mark Conner; Julia Brown; Galina Velikova and on behalf of the eRAPID systemic treatment work group. Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice (eRAPID): a randomised controlled trial in systemic cancer treatment. BMC Cancer. 2017, 17:318.
- Selby PJ, Banks RE, Gregory W, Hewison J, Rosenberg W, Altman DG, Deeks JJ, McCabe C et al. Methods for the evaluation of biomarkers in patients with kidney and liver diseases: multicentre research programme including ELUCIDATE RCT. Programme Grants Appl Res. Volume: 6 Issue: 3. June 2018.
- RM West, C Smith, SH Pavitt, CC Butler, P Howard, C. Bates, S Savic, J Wright, J Hewison, JAT Sandoe. "Warning: allergic to penicillin:" Association between penicillin allergy status, antibiotic prescribing, and health outcomes in 2.3 million NHS general practice electronic health records. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 74(7):2075-2082 01 Jul 2019
-Daniel Brooks, Katharine Asta, Julie Sturza, Birhanu Kebede, Delayehu Bekele, Balkachew Nigatu, Jenny Hewison, Shane C. Quinonez Patient Preferences for Prenatal Testing and Termination of Pregnancy for Congenital Anomalies and Genetic Diseases in Ethiopia. Prenatal Diagnosis. 39(8):595-602 Jul 2019
- Jasmin Keeble; Andrew Walker; Elspeth Guthrie; Peter Trigwell; Alan Quirk; Jenny Hewison; Carolyn Murray; Allan House. Integrated liaison psychiatry services in England: a qualitative study of the views of liaison practitioners and acute hospital staffs from four distinctly different kinds of liaison service. BMC Health Services Research 19: Article number ARTN 522 25 Jul 2019.
-Smith C, Hewison J, West R, Guthrie E, Trigwell P, Crawford M, Czoski-Murray C, Fossey M, Hulme C, Tubeuf S, House A. Liaison Psychiatry-Measurement and Evaluation of Service Types, Referral patterns and Outcomes - LP- MAESTRO: a protocol. BMJ Open 9(11) 2019
- Chris Smith, Jenny Hewison, Sarah Kingsbury, Philip Conaghan. Understanding patterns of care for musculoskeletal patients using routinely collected National Health Service data from general practices in England. Health Informatics Journal, 2020.
- Sonia Saraiva, Elspeth Guthrie, Andrew Walker, Peter Trigwell, Robert West, Farag Shuweidi, Mike Crawford, Matt Fossey, Jenny Hewison, Carolyn Murray, Claire Hulme, Allan House, The nature and range of activity of liaison mental services in acute hospital settings: a multi-site cross sectional study. BMC Health Services Research 20 (1) Article no.308 December 2020
- Anne Forster, Seline Ozer, Thomas Frederick Crocker, Allan House, Jenny Hewison, Elaine Roberts, Josephine Dickerson, Gill Carter, Claire Hulme, Matthew Fay, Gillian Richardson, Alan Wright, Christopher McKevitt, Rosie McEachan, Robbie Foy, Lorna Barnard, Lauren Moreau, Arvin Prashar, David Clarke, Natasha Hardicre, Ivana Holloway, Richard Brindle, Jessica Hall, Louisa-Jane Burton, Ross Atkinson, Rebecca Hawkins, Lesley Brown, Nicola Cornwall, Jane Gillham, Bryony Dawkins, David Meads, Laetitia Schmitt, Marie Fletcher, Suzanne Hartley, John Young, Amanda Farrin. Longer-term health and social care strategies for stroke survivors and their carers: the LoTS2Care research programme including cluster feasibility RCT. Programme Grants Appl Res. Volume: 9 Issue: 3. March 2021.
- Kate Absolom, Lorraine Warrington, Eleanor Hudson, Jenny Hewison, Carolyn Morris, Patricia Holch, Robert Carter, Andrea Gibson, Marie Holmes, Beverly Clayton, Zoe Rogers, Lucy McParland, Claire Hulme, Julia Brown and Galina Velikova; and eRAPID chemotherapy trial management group collaborators (Mark Conner, Liz Glidewell, Barbara Woroncow, Karen Henry, Sarah Dickinson). Phase III randomised controlled trial of eRAPID (electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and advice) — An eHealth intervention during chemotherapy. J Clinical Oncology (2021)
Published report
Cotterill L, Hanley N, Hewison J, Iredale J, Magee C, Mulvey M, Jones D. Ten years on: adapting and evolving to new challenges in developing tomorrow’s health research leaders. NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre, July 2017 https://www.nihr.ac.uk/documents/explore-nihr/academy-programmes/NIHR%20Strategic%20Review%20of%20Training%202017.pdf
Book chapter
Hewison J, Bryant L, Fisher J Conveying Information about Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis. In: Pandya P Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Practice, 3rd Edition. Elsevier 2019.
Research interests
I am an applied health research methodologist. My specific research interests lie in the psychosocial aspects of screening and diagnostic testing and in the role of tests in the management of chronic illness. More generally, my interests lie in the relationships between research methods, evidence and policy making in healthcare, and in particular, in the incorporation of patient perspectives in the evaluation and assessment of health technologies.
- BA Hons Natural Sciences, Class 2:1, Newnham College, University of Cambridge, UK
- MSc Child Development, University of London
- PhD Psychology, University of London
Student education
Within LIHS, I am Head of the Division of Health Services Research (HSR) and of the Division of Psychological and Social Medicine (PSM). The Division of HSR has recently undertaken a major revision of its taught masters programmes in the broad area of health data sciences, and in 2022 will launch a new MSc in Health Informatics with Data Science to strengthen the relationship between teaching and research and to capitalise on the wider teaching opportunities offered by the thriving Leeds digital economy. The Division of PSM offers well established postgraduate programmes in Health Research, Clinical Psychology and Family Therapy.
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Health Sciences
- Health Services Research Division
- Health services research