Professor Andrew Clegg
- Position: Professor of Geriatric Medicine
- Areas of expertise: ageing; multimorbidity; frailty; delirium; dementia
- Email: A.P.Clegg@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)127 438 3440
- Location: Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research, Bradford Institute for Health Research Bradford Institute for Health Research
- Website: Twitter | ORCID
I am Head of Ageing and Stroke Research at the University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant Geriatrician at Bradford Royal Infirmary. I am Director of the global Ageing Research Trialist (ART) collaborative, established to support individual participant data meta-analysis in ageing research, and Co-Director for Health Data Research UK (HDRUK) North. I lead a large portfolio of ageing-related research, with a focus on frailty as an especially problematic expression of multimorbidity in later life, and medicines optimisation. I hold research grants of around £44M as lead or co-investigator, including leadership of a research theme focused on improving care for older people with frailty in the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Yorkshire & Humber and a workstream within the NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Musculoskeletal Theme. Research expertise spans clinical trials of interventions, prognostic modelling using routine data, applied epidemiology and evidence synthesis. I am CI for the Personalised Care Planning for Older People with Frailty (PROSPER) NIHR-funded Research Programme, the Community Ageing Research 75+ and Wellbeing in Later Life in Bradford longitudinal cohort studies study with routine data linkage and co-CI for the NIHR HTA-funded Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for Older People with Heart Failure and Frailty (CHART) trial. I previously led the development, validation and national implementation of the multi award-winning and NICE Multimorbidity Guideline-recommended electronic frailty index (eFI) using data from around 1M UK patients contained in the ResearchOne and THIN primary care research databases, with major impact on UK health policy and selected as a 2022 National Medical Schools Council Impact Case Exemplar.
I am a current member of the MRC Ageing Research Steering Group, supporting development of future activities in ageing research. I am also co-lead for the NIHR National Ageing, Dementia and Frailty Priority Theme, supporting national implementation of prioritised interventions into routine practice, and co-investigator with the NIHR Policy Research Unit for Older People and Frailty. I am a current member of the NICE Falls Prevention Guideline Development Group. Previous roles include as member of the NICE Multimorbidity Guideline Development Group, NICE Delirium Guideline Development Group, and joint Centre for Perioperative Care & British Geriatrics Society guideline on Perioperative Care for Older People with Frailty.
- Head of Ageing and Stroke Research
- Theme Lead, NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber
- Co-Director, HDRUK North
Research interests
Clegg A, Goodwin V, Akpan A, Bojke C, Collinson M, Day F, Farrin A, Frost J, Gale C, Masoli J, Morley N, Tatnell L, Todd O, Walker L. Comprehensive geriatric assessment to sustain independence for older people living with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and frailty. National Institute for Health Research (Health Technology Assessment). £2,499,192. 03/2024 - 01/2029
Clegg A, Abuzour A, Alldred D, Best K, Hawkins R, Lawton R, Pirmohamed M, Smith H, Spilsbury K, Todd O, Walker L, Walters K, West R.Optimising structured medication reviews for older people with severe frailty and care home residents to reduce overprescribing and associated inequalities. National Institute for Health Research (Health Services and Delivery Research. £1,016,222. 11/2023 - 10/2026
Graham L, Best K, Clegg A, Forster A, Foster M, Humphrey S, Iliff A, Inglis J, Johansson J. Development of methods to identify digitally excluded older people, and tailoring of interventions to meet their digital needs. Dunhill Medical Trust. £412,252. 09/2023 - 08/2026
Health Data Research UK 2nd Quinquennium (HDRUK QQ2). Co-Director, HDRUK North. MRC/NIHR/Wellcome/ESRC/EPSRC/CSO/BHF/CRUK. £71,800,000. 04/2023 - 03/2028
Clegg A, Reilly S. Dementia Capacity Building Post-Doctoral Training Programme. National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration & Alzheimer’s Society. £360,000. 01/2023 - 03/2026
NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre. Workstream co-lead, Musculoskeletal Theme. National Institute for Health Research. £19,800,000. 12/2022 - 11/2027
Hubbard R, Hilmer S, Rockwood K, Howard K, Tong A, Janda M, Etherton-Beer C, Gnjidic D, Lim K, Reid N, Story D, Nowak A, Siskind D, Young A, Saunders R, Warren N, Gordon E, Allore H, Clegg A, Lake F.Centre of Research Excellence in Frailty. National Health and Medical Research Council. Aus$2,500,000. 10/2022 - 09/2027
Buchan I, Walker L, Clegg A, Mair F, Kullu C, Sperrin M, Relton S, van Staa T, Gabbay M, Ruddle R, Bollegala D, Maskell S, Shantsila E, Leeming G, Woodall A, Griffiths A. AIs for dynamic prescribing optimisation and care integration in multimorbidity (DynAIRx). National Institute for Health and Care Research AI for Multiple Long-term Conditions. £2,807,430. 09/2022 - 08/2025
Brown L, Forster A, Antcliff D, Clegg A, Schofield P, Suleman A, Williams A. Pain in Older People with Frailty (POPPY) study. £483,650. National Institute for Health and Care Research HSDR programme. 04/2022 - 03/2025
Murtagh F, Pearson M, Walker L, Cohen J, Hussain J, Farrin A, Ziegler L, Clegg A, Spilsbury K, Collinson M, Cundill B, Fraser L, O’Cathain A, Taylor P, Johnson M, McAleese J, Rowson L. The Yorkshire & Humber Palliative Care Research Network: Addressing Inequalities Across All Ages. National Institute for Health Research. £99,932. 01/2022 - 07/2023
Goodwin V, Whitney J, Frost J, Crocker T, Hamilton F, del Din S, Lamb S, Lyndon H, Hulme C, Clegg A, Creator S, Sanders T, Bethel A, Morley N. Digital and Remote Enhancements for the Assessment and Management of Older People Living with Frailty (DREAM). National Institute for Health Research Programme Development Grant. £149,463. 01/2022 - 03/2023
ActAsOne Innovation Hub. The Health Foundation. £474,668. 10/2021 - 09/2023
McManus R, Barnes R, Ford G, Ghadia S, Williams M, Sheppard J, Tucker K, Hobbs R, de Lusignan S, Perera R, Clegg A, Mant J, Payne R, Clarke C. Structured medication reviews in multimorbidity. National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration (Multimorbidity National Priority). £461,508. 04/2021 - 09/2023
Fylan B, Silcock J, Alldred D, Cheong VL, Tyndale-Biscoe S, Clegg A. Understanding and enhancing medicines management resilience in home-dwelling older people living with frailty (£156,336). National Institute for Health Research (Research for Patient Benefit). 01/2021 - 01/2023
Pirmohamed M, Buchan I, Clegg A, Jones M, King G, Knight J, Mason S, Rodgers S, van Staa T. Health Data Research UK North (HDRUK North). UKRI/NIHR/Wellcome. £3,400,000. 05/2020 - 04/2023
Clegg A, Crocker T, Ensor J, Forster A, Gladman J, Riley R. Community-based complex interventions for older people, stratified by frailty: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. National Institute for Health Research (Health Technology Assessment). £297,463. 04/2019 - 09/2021
Walters K, Clegg A, Goodman C, Marston L, Hopkins J, Cooper C, Logan P, Skelton D, Hunter R, Manthorpe J, Gardner B, Brennan V, Frost R, Avgerinou C. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a personalised health promotion intervention enabling independence in older people with mild frailty (HomeHealth): a randomised controlled trial. National Institute for Health Research (Health Technology Assessment). £1,799,724. 10/2020 - 09/2023
Clegg A, Bucknall M, Conroy S, Hulme C, Humphrey S, Nikolova S, Relton S, Richards S, Riha W, Riley R, Van Der Windt D, Walters K, West R. Development and evaluation of the electronic frailty index+ (eFI+) tool: integrated prognostic-decision modelling to target interventions for older people with moderate or severe frailty. National Institute for Health Research (Health Technology Assessment). £548,507. 10/2019 - 05/202
Wright J, Bojke L, Clegg A, Foy R, Gilbody S, Lawton R, Mason S, McCooe M, Slater B, Weich S, Young T. National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaborative Yorkshire & Humber (NIHR ARCYH). £9,000,000. 10/2019 - 09/2024
Nikolova S, Akbar A, Clegg A, Fry R, Hawkins R, Hillcoat-Nalletamby S, Hollinghurst J, Meads D, Rodgers S. What is the cost-effectiveness of home adaptations for older people? Dunhill Medical Trust. £82,035. 09/2019 - 09/2020
Walsh B, Roderick P, Fraser S, Brailsford S, Clegg A, Barkham A, Patel H, Zhu S, Harris S, de Lusignan S. The dynamics of frailty in older people: modelling impact on health care demand and outcomes to inform service planning and commissioning. National Institute for Health Research (Health Services and Delivery Research). £824,928. 04/2019 - 12/2021
Silman A, Clegg A, Strauss V, Prieto-Alhambra D, Gentry T. Identifying trajectories of frailty in elderly individuals. National Institute for Health Research (Research for Patient Benefit). £149,550. 04/2019 - 03/2021
Ekers D, Gilbody S, McMillan D, Travis-Turner G, Clegg A, Coventry P, Dexter-Smith S, Ali S, Bosanquet K, Brown D, Hill A, Hewitt C, Lovell K, Gentry T, Chew-Graham C. Multimorbidity in Older Adults with Depression Study. NIHR PGfAR. £2,429,219. 10/2018 - 07/2024
Clegg A, Young J, Bower P, Cundall B, Farrin A, Foster M, Foy R, Hartley S, Hawkins R, Holmes J, Hulme C, Humphrey S, Lawton R, Pendleton N, West R. Personalised care planning to improve quality of life for older people with frailty. NIHR PGfAR. £2,748,666. 10/2017 - 02/2023
Rodgers S, Kerridge D, Clegg A, Lyons R, Williams N. Safe in my own home? Investigating the impact of community home modification services on hospital utilisation for fall injuries: a controlled longitudinal study using data linkage. Health & Care Research Wales. £241,749. 10/2017 - 12/2019
Clegg A, Clarke D, Cundill B, Farrin A, Forster A, Goodwin V, Hartley S, Hulme C, Wright P, Young J. Individually randomised controlled multicentre trial to determine the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a home-based exercise intervention for older people with frailty as extended rehabilitation following acute illness or injury, including embedded process evaluation. NIHR HTA. £2,038,930, 03/2017 - 06/2021
de Biase S, Snee E, Haddad R, Clegg A, Volpe J, Slater B. Supported self-management for older people with frailty. Health Foundation. £75,000, 01/2017 - 06/2018 \n Wright J, Parslow R, Hide W, Newman C, Pickett K, Clegg A. Connected Yorkshire: building a digital community across Yorkshire and Humber. Office of Life Sciences. £4M, 2016 - 2019
Young J, Clegg A, Nolan M, Mountain G, Noble B, Teale E, Parker S, Hawkins R, Spilsbury K, Hanratty B, Short O, Astell A, Young T. Primary care-based management of frailty in older people. NIHR CLAHRC, £999,868, Jan 2014-Dec 2018.
Clegg A, Young J. Development and evaluation of the home-based older people's exercise (HOPE) programme. Dunhill Medical Trust & Royal College of Physicians, £106,953 Oct 2009-Sept 2011.
- FRCP (Lon) 2022
- MD (Res) UCL 2012
- MRCP (Lon) 2006
- MBBS (Hons) UCL 2003
- BsC (Pharmacology) UCL 2000
Professional memberships
- RCP London
Student education
- Lead, NIHR ARC Yorkshire & Humber Later Life Doctoral Research Network
- Lead, White Rose ‘Bouncing Back’ PhD Network
- Lead, NIHR ACF Programme in Geriatric Medicine
- Lead, and co-supervisor for PhD and MD students
- Clinical Lead, 5th Year Medical Student Elderly Medicine Placement
- ESREP Tutor
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Health Sciences
- Frailty and elderly care
- Successful ageing