Dr Stephen Halpin
- Position: Senior Clinical Research Fellow
- Areas of expertise: Neurorehabilitation; Pain medicine; Sleep research; neuromodulation; rehabilitation technologies; Global health; Long Covid; Rehabilitation in low income settings
- Email: S.J.Halpin@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: Martin Wing, Leeds General Infirmary
Since 2020 I have been a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in LIRMM and Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine in Leeds Teaching Hospitals and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trusts. My clinical practice is in complex rehabilitation, including community, neurorehabilitation and rehabilitation post Covid. I am undertaking an MD in the field of chronic pain and sleep disturbance in collaboration with the Human Pain Research Group at the University of Manchester, where I am a visiting fellow. I have a background in global health and rehabilitation, with partnerships in Madagascar and Nepal.
Research interests
Chronic pain and sleep disturbance are two closely-related, common problems which result in major impacts for the individual and society. I am researching novel neuromodulatory technologies to tackle these, which also forms my MD with the University of Leeds.
I am the Leeds Principle Investigator for the NIHR-funded multicentre LOCOMOTION Study https://locomotion.leeds.ac.uk/ which aims to identify the best practice treatment for Long Covid.
Across the world many people who could benefit from rehabilitation cannot access it. I have an interest in developing rehabilitation services, training and technologies to help address this gap, and am involved in a longstanding partnership with the Association of Rehabilitation Medicine of Madagascar.
- MBChB (hons)
- BSc. (hons)
- PGC Health Research
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the European Board of Phyiscal and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Royal College of Physicians (London)
- British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Society for Research in Rehabilitation
Student education
Supervision of BSc students in International Health conducting rehabilitation related research in partnership with clinicians in low resource settings.
Supervision of medical students in extended research modules and taught modules on research methods.
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine