Scarlet Fiona Brockmoeller
- Position: NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer
- Areas of expertise: Early colorectal cancer; morphological and molecular pathology; artificial intelligence; renal pathology; super-resolution microscopy.
- Email: S.F.Brockmoeller@leeds.ac.uk
- Website: LinkedIn | Researchgate | ORCID
Dr Scarlet Brockmoeller is currently an NIHR-funded Clinical Lecturer in Histopathology with over 10 years of experience in morphological and molecular pathology with a major research interest in improving outcomes for early colorectal cancer patients and novel super-resolution imaging technology.
She holds an MD from the Charite Humboldt University Berlin (First Class Honors with Distinction; Prof. Denkert), a Master in Biochemistry from the University of Cambridge (MPhil; Prof. Griffin and Prof. Evan), a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology (University of Leeds), a Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine (Imperial College London) and a Masterclass in working with the Industry (University of Leeds). The findings in her MD thesis were part of the METAcancer programme funded by the European Commission's lead to clinical phase trial three studies targeting metabolic chances in the lipid-pathway of triple negative breast cancers. Based on these findings the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft) awarded her a highly competitive scholarship to continue her work at the University of Cambridge.
Since 2013 she was appointed to an academic position at the University of Leeds where she extended her portfolio into colorectal cancer and more recently medical renal pathology. She is part of the Stratification in COloRectal cancer trial (CRUK, £1.2 million) and co-applicant for a NIHR i4i award for SuperResPath-Renal: Quantitative super-resolution technology for a fast, decentralised clinical diagnosis of renal pathologies (£1.02 million). Further she hold a range of grants as principal investigator (over £250,000) in the field of her major research areas as well as co-supervising several Mres students and Academic Clinical Fellows.
Her international collaborations include the following projects: Improving treatment decisions in colorectal cancer: the role of tumour budding (Consortium Prof. Iris Nagtegaal, Netherlands); Formula One Study: UK–Japan Joint Study for Risk Factors of Lymph Node Metastasis in Submucosal Invasive (pT1) Colorectal Cancer including 2000 pT1 case (Japan); Outcome after treatment of patients with cancer in colorectal polyps study (Associate Professor Tine Plato Hansen, Denmark); Combined Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery (CELS) for early colon cancer in high risk patients (Prof. Gögenur, Denmark); Histopathological and molecular characteristics of pT1N+ and pT2N+ tumours as predictors of outcome in colorectal cancer (Prof Gögenur, Denmark); and usage of artificial intelligence in the prediction of outcome of early colorectal cancer (Dr Kather, Germany). This work has lead to a range of citable journal articles and she has presented her work both nationally and internationally at the highest level.
Dr Brockmoeller is a member of the Royal College of Pathologists and is the lead trainee on the College’s research committee as well as been the subhead of the work stream 4 of CM-path. Her work in these roles had highlighting gaps in and improving the academic landscape of Great Britain, which lead to the creation of a range of new research schemes to tackle these issues. Her local work in the Yorkshire and Humber has lead to the Deanery establishing a more flexible work pattern for academic and non-academic Trainees in Histopathology.
She is a passionate teacher and advocate of histopathology and has influenced and delivered a range of courses, tutorials and mentoring schemes at three different universities with very positive student feedback.
- Trainee Lead of the Research Committee Royal College of Pathologist
- Staatsexamen Medizin (Charite Humboldt University Berlin)
- Dr. med (First Class Honors with Distinction)
- MPhil in Biological Science (Biochemistry; Univeristy of Cambridge)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology (University of Leeds)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Genomic Medicine (Imperial College London)
Professional memberships
- Royal College of Pathologists
- British Medical Association
- Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland
- British Division of the International Academy of Pathology
Student education
I provide teaching on the 1nd and 2nd year MBChB Essential Medical Sciences and Clinical Pathology courses. I was a member of the course management team and committee of examiners for Master of Research in Medicine Programme from 2013-2019. I regularly supervise undergraduate medical students undertaking research through formal (RESS, MRes, EXSEL) or informal means.
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's