Emily Robinson


I received my bachelors degree with first class honours in 2015 from the University of Liverpool. Currently, I am a postgraduate student in the Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology and my PhD specifically focuses on cancer immunology. In May 2018, I gave a talk about my work at a conference hosted by 'The American Association of Immunology' in Austin, Texas. Alongside my studies, I assist with public engagement on behalf of Cancer Research UK, and more recently I have shared my passion for science by providing workshops for children.


Research interests

Through the development of a novel culture system that allows mature human plasma cells to be generated and maintained in vitro, I have been able to identify a transcriptional regulator (SIK1) important for plasma cell survival. Further evaluation of this protein will hopefully provide us with a novel target in the treatment of blood cancers such as multiple myeloma.




  • BSc (Hons) Pharmacology