Dr Arthur Lau Chin Haeng
- Email: umalch@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Framework Design for Serious Games in Med Ed (Subject to changes)
- Supervisor: Professor James Pickering, Professor Hilary L Bekker
Arthur Lau graduated from Penang Medical College (PMC) and was awarded with a medical degree (MB BCh BAO) in 2012. He was then trained as a medical doctor for a year in Penang Hospital, Malaysia, before furthering his studies and achieving a MSc in Human Anatomy with Distinction at the Univesity of Edinburgh in 2015. Following this, he was employed as the first clinical anatomist lead at a health-tech startup - Touch Surgery- where he collaborated with surgeons in developing surgical simulation as well as three-dimensional (3D) human anatomy models.
He is currently pursuing a Anatomy Demonstrating PhD Studentship at the University of Leeds under the supervision of Dr. James D. Pickering and Prof. Hilary L. Bekker. His doctoral thesis involves developing a framework in designing a digital and interative serious game for medical students. The aim of this serious game is to help medical students develop complex learning as they are required to integrate silos of basic science knowledge during clincal reasoning and diagnostic making.
We hope this framework would make an impact on medical schools where they are able to apply and produce their own medical learning resources, complementing their curriculum and aiding students' learning.
Research interests
My research interest encompasses the overlapping of gamification, game-based learning, game-enhanced learning, serious games or anything related to the employment of game elements with medical education and training.
- MSc Human Anatomy (Distinction)