Muna Al-Jabri
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- Thesis title: Role of JARID2 in regulating the enzymatic activity of PRC2 toward the deposition of H3K27me3.
- Supervisor: Dr Lucy Stead, Dr. Thomas Hughes and Dr. Mario Cocco
MSc in bioinformatics, polyomics and system biology - Glasgow
Bachelor in Biotechnology/Minor in chemistry - Sultanat of Oman
Work Experience
Bioinformaticians, Senior Laboratory Technologist, Molecular Geneticis - National Genetic Center, Royal Hospital, Ministry of Health
Tasks: - Establishing In-house bioinformatics pipeline for Next generation sequence (NGS) and NGC database for NGS and microarray data
- Implementation of next-generation sequencing for molecular diagnosis of the following disorders:
Cardiovascular disease using Trusight cardiac panel
Cystic Fibrosis using Multiplicom CFTR MASTR Dx panel
Maturity onset diabetes of the young using Multiplicom MODY MASTR panel o Lymphoma using LymphoTrack IGH FR1 Assay Panel (Trial)
- Genetic tests in pilot-phase study is:
Endocrine disorders: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
- Analyzing samples generated through microarray (Affymetrics) using Chromosome analysis Suite (ChAs)
- Perform chromosomal analysis (Karyotyping) for different genetic diseases
- Analyze bone marrow samples (e.g. CLL, AML, CML and ALL) using chromosomal analysis and Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH)
- Working on quantitative PCR (qPCR), nested PCR and sanger sequencing of any relevant gene and exon
- Bioinformatics projects (2014-2015):
- Study the genetic variation in a population of parasitic infection using bioinformatics tools and analysis (Genetic association studies)
* Using R-language, Pymol and Phyre 2 server to analyze the genomic data and to predict the protein structure of the host immune system
* Design a database for pharmaceutical field to understand and group the chemical characteristics of the drugs (Chemoinformatics)
* Study the association of microbial community in human body that causes Crohn’s disease using mobaxterm software and statistical analysis (Metagenomics)
* Compare the effect of different chemotherapeutic agents used to treat patients with CML/AML mutation using microarray data and R-Language software (System biology)
* Understand the causative mutation of Leishmaniasis in the genomic and proteomic level using Unix command line and IGV tool ( Parasitology)
* Differential gene expression of different genes that is up-regulated and down-regulated in wild type and mutated drosophila using Linux and R-Language (Transcriptomic).
o Microbial projects (2008-2009):
* Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) in PDO/ final year project (0ne year)
* Expertise in Next-generation sequencing (NGS) applications and NGS data analysis (Ion Torrent & Illumina)
* Expertise in MLPA, Real time-PCR, and Sanger sequencing
* Highly competent in Array-CGH on Affymetric platform, cytogenetic karyotyping and FISH
Research interests
The research Project that I currently works on is basically understanding of epigenetic modification in terms of histone modification and DNA methylation in glioblastoma patients. The main objective is to understand how JARID2 regulate the enzymatic activity of PRC2 component that control the depostition of H3K27me3 by its transcriptional activity. In Order to achieve this objective, Chip seq will be used to map the transcription factor of JARID2 in primary and recurrent samples. Also, in this project I will try to prove wether its possible to study the epigenetic changes using FFPE samples as FFPE tissue provide more valuable information about the disease that can be missed using FF tissues. Beside this, I will develope chip-seq bioinformatics pipeline to analyze these data using MARC1. the whole project is supervised my Dr. Lucy Stead, Dr. Tom Hughes and Dr. Mario Cocco.