Ian Goulden
- Position: Nursing Lecturer
- Areas of expertise: Advanced Clinical Practice; Clinical Examination; Neuroscience; Acute Healthcare; APEL / APCL
- Email: I.Goulden@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 1338
- Location: Baines Wing
I qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1987. I spent some time working in adult general surgery before moving to work in adult critical care. I entered education in 1995 as the course leader for the adult critical care course and specialised in critical care and neuroscience for many years. I became involved with advanced clinical practice in 2009 and for several years I have been the School's lead for advanced clinical practice. I Chair a number of Committees within the School including the Individualised Programmes Panel which deals with all aspects of APCL / APEL, credit transfer and non-standard entry.
- Programme Leader: MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Professional memberships
- Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Association of Advanced Practice Educators.
Student education
I am programme leader for both the MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice and the Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Assessment. I teach both undergraduate and post graduate students with my teaching focusing largely on acute / critical care, advanced clinical examination skills, differential diagnosis and the interpretation of blood results.