Leeds Health and Care Academy helps enhance local workforce
A groundbreaking collaboration of health, care and university partners across the city of Leeds is helping to enhance the local workforce.
Research collaboration to drive new innovations in surgery
The Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) is delighted to partner with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Surgical MedTech Co-operative (Surgical MIC) to drive new innovations in medical devices, healthcare technologies, and technology dependent interventions that are translatable to the clinical setting to benefit patient care
Going tea-total; cutting sugar from tea doesn't reduce drinkers enjoyment of a brew
New research from the School of Psychology suggests that tea drinkers still enjoy their brew without sugar even if they simply stopping using it altogether
Leeds researchers awarded £1.3 million to study the role of fibrin in blood clots
A recent grant from the British Heart Foundation has been award to the University of Leeds to help improve the treatment and prevention of heart attacks.
University of Leeds researchers awarded Heart Research UK grant to spot diabetes early
A team at the University of Leeds has been awarded a grant of £114,992 by Leeds-based national charity Heart Research UK for their research into the early diagnosis of diabetes, a disease that affects 3.7 million people in the UK. (Diabetes UK, February 2018).