
Results 81 to 85 of 396 in Faculty of Medicine and Health

Woman sitting on the sofa looking exhausted

A pacing rehabilitation programme that helps people with long COVID reduce their symptoms and increase activity levels has shown “impressive” results, say scientists.

A doctor and a patient discussing medication

One in five GPs could be unwilling to prescribe aspirin to patients with a cancer-causing syndrome, despite national guidelines advising it, new research has found. 

A person wearing a facemask, crying

People who reported contracting COVID-19 early in the pandemic were twice as likely to experience depressive symptoms 13 months later than those who did not, new research has found.

A large crowd of people walking in a busy road

Europe will face a cancer epidemic in the next decade if weaknesses in cancer health systems and cancer research are not urgently addressed, say the authors of a major new report.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia microscope analysis

A new method for risk stratifying patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia could allow healthcare professionals to better guide their treatment plans for improved patient outcomes.