Royal visitor for Worsley building

On Friday we welcomed His Royal Highness, the Duke of Kent, who returned to the Worsley Building - 40 years after his previous visit.
The Duke officially opened the Worsley building in 1979 so it was fitting that he should return to see how the building has changed, particularly following the recent £40m renovation programme.
He was greeted by Sir Alan Langlands (Vice Chancellor) and Professor Paul Stewart (Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health).
The Duke toured the School of Dentistry, meeting Dean of the School, Dr Alan Mighell, Andrew Keeling (Senior Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry), Cecilie Osnes (Research Assistant) and Professor Brian Nattress (Restorative Dentistry) who was also part of the previous visit in 1979.
He saw recent innovations in teaching and research, including trying out one of the Simadont dental trainers which are helping students to learn skills through haptic devices.
The Duke then went on to meet Professor James Pickering (Anatomy) and Sean Strauther (Teaching Fellow in Anatomy) who demonstrated how we utilise 'blended learning' approaches to anatomy education to medical, dental and biomedical science students.
The visit was completed with the Duke unveiling a plaque on Level 4 of the Worsley building to commemorate the visit, before speaking to staff who were gathered to celebrate the occasion.
Thank you to all staff and students who made the visit a tremendous success.