Academics from the LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health visit Leeds

The School of Psychology was visited by Dr Sonia Deuri and Dr Arunjyoti Baruah from LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, Assam to celebrate their collaboration on The Big Picture research project.
Dr Sonia Deuri is the Head of Psychiatric Social Work and Dr Arunjyoti Baruah is Head of Psychiatric Nursing at the LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH). They visited the University of Leeds to accept and celebrate the Memorandum of Understanding between LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH) and the School of Psychology for the GCRF-funded project 'The Big Picture' and to discuss further research collaborations with the University of Leeds.
The Big Picture research project aims to understand how young people (aged 15 - 18) show resilience to the risk of substance abuse, and the journey to recovery from young adults (aged 19 - 24) who are successfully recovering from substance abuse. The research uses visual methods, such as posters, film workshops and photo-led interviews to further understand and celebrate how young people have dealt with the challenge of substance abuse. Follow the research on the UK Project Resilience instagram account.
Find out more about the LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health by visiting their website or by watching a short video.
If you would like to explore potential research projects with LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH), please contact Professor Anna Madill.