Research groups

Group name Group summary
Leeds Pregnancy Research Group We lead research groups and projects across the span of pregnancy, from pre-implantation to postnatal heath and from basic science, through translational medicine to applied health research. All of our work ultimately aims to improve the health of pregnant women and their children across the life course.
Leeds Unit for Complex Intervention Development (LUCID) LUCID is a methodological research group based across LIHS and LICTR within the School of Medicine, developing and optimising complex healthcare interventions to improve patient and public outcomes.
Oncolytic Virus Research Group We are a group of research scientists studying oncolytic virotherapy for the treatment of cancer. We aim to identify the best strategies for maximizing the therapeutic benefit of oncolytic viruses by potentiating both the direct oncolytic and tumour-specific, immune-mediated effects of these viruses and to translate our findings into the clinic for the benefit of patients.