The Digital Health Hive


Artificial intelligence and digital health technologies continue to take the world by storm, capturing the imaginations of the public. Many column inches have been dedicated to how these emerging technologies may shape the society we live in with one are of particular focus being in the area of health and social care. 

Despite the exited fanfare and huge investment much of the research in this area fails to go on to make real world impact through adoption and use by patients, clinical professionals or healthcare providers. One of the issues is that getting input from these groups along with policy makers and business experts at early stages and through the development of these tools is difficult. The Digital Health Hive is looking to change this by forming a community of people who through online interactions and regular in person meeting can offer researchers the opportunity to hear the views of all of these groups at once and at all stages of their project. 

The Hive however aims to form part of a better two way conversation with patients, clinical professionals and industry representative having the opportunity to reverse pitch ideas to clinicians and shape new projects which stem from the problems in healthcare that are most important. 


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