Nicole J Smith

Nicole J Smith


I studied anatomy at Cardiff University where I gained many hours of extensive dissection experience and used this to help make and catalogue prosections over two summers.

In my final year, I studied tissue engineering, and this lead to me pursuing a Masters of Research in tissue engineering for regenerative medicine at the University of Manchester. I completed my project in gene therapy for a rare lysosomal disease (Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC) and learned many lab skills that would help me during my PhD.

I started my PhD in vascular and neuroscience at the Univerisity of Leeds in 2017 and started demonstrating on modules across the faculty of bioscience.

I have taught on a wide range of undergraduate and masters courses, and also supervised several undergraduate lab projects.

I won the faculty Partnership Award in 2021 as I was recognised as consistently going above and beyond to help students. This lead me to apply for the associate fellowship of the higher education academy (AFHEA), which I received in 2021.

During my PhD I also helped to make prosections for the anatomy department and demonstrated on some modules in the faculty of medicine and health.

I joined the Division of Anatomy at the University of Leeds full time in 2021, where I am involved in teaching anatomy to undergraduates across the first two years of MBChB, MChD and dental hygiene courses, students intercalating in BSc clinical anatomy, and undergraduates on biomedical science courses. I am also a student mentor and am currently undertaking mental health awareness training to support that role.


  • PhD Biomedical Science
  • MRes Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine
  • BSc Biomedical Sciences Anatomy (Hons)
  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Professional memberships

  • British microcirculation and vascular biology society
  • Physiological society