
Results 71 to 75 of 109 in Research and innovation

Surgeons performing heart surgery

Urgent action is needed to clear the backlog of people with a common heart condition waiting for life-saving treatment, according to new research.

Mosquito on human limb

A molecule in mosquito saliva has been identified as a potential target for vaccination against a range of diseases for which there is no protection or medicine.

EKG monitor

A major study has revealed the global collateral damage caused by the disruption to cardiac services from the COVID-19 pandemic.

child sat in hospital

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has launched a £20m set of research units across blood, organ, plasma, and stem cells.

Computerised human body with the heart highlighted

New research will monitor the heartbeats of more than 100 athletes over two years to measure how endurance exercise impacts their heart.