Aysha Yasin
- Course: MSc Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology
- Year of graduation: 2019
I chose this course because I know a few people in my life who have struggled to conceive naturally with their only hope of having a family through a fertility clinic. To learn how that is possible, along with hands on experience on how it is done is one of the best experiences of my life. The thing I have enjoyed most about the course is gaining knowledge within clinical embryology, from how it all started to how far it has come - it is an ever-evolving field! The content which was taught covered a huge range of topics in depth, which we could then further enhance our knowledge when reading up on research papers provided.
The highlight of the course was most definitely the amount of time we spent in the laboratory, learning various methods used in a fertility clinic and using numerous pieces of equipment which I previously hadn’t used. In addition, I enjoyed visiting the Seacroft fertility clinic where a tour around all the laboratories was provided and seeing similar pieces of equipment that we were using at the university.
I found that learning to keep up with the workload was the greatest challenge, as there wasn’t much time between each deadline. However, I learnt how to organise my time more efficiently, meaning I wasn’t rushed when completing the work.
My research project was on ‘The role cytokines on endometrial receptivity on implantation’, this involved doing lots of research and looking back on the modules which were taught on the course which were relevant to my research project. In addition to this my optional workshop was similar to my research project which assisted me with certain things which I missed out. I found the research project extremely beneficial as it allowed me to gain further knowledge into a topic which I had personally selected as it had piqued my interest the most. Having the chance to read through several papers and learnt in detail around my topic. It also allowed me to think as a researcher and how to go about how to find particular things around my topic, which would be hugely advantageous if in the future I wish to do something around research.
The support provided to me during the project was hugely helpful in helping me when I came to write up my project. I was given assistance from the dissertation tutors and help during workshops; this allowed me to get in the right mindset when it came to completing my project.
The University of Leeds has an excellent reputation for many reasons and this why i chose to study there. I knew it would be somewhere where I could really excel and would be provided with many opportunities that would be extremely beneficial once I had graduated; it recognised as a remarkable establishment by employers. It is a beautiful university with so much to offer.
What was the highlights of my time at the University of Leeds? I would say everything! Learning in depth about how assisted reproduction works, having hands on experience in the laboratory using equipment which will be found in the laboratories of fertility clinics, the staff – who provided excellent teaching – and meeting new people on the course from all over the world.
I enjoyed spending time in the laboratory, gaining some real-life hand on experience using animal gametes. Also using numerous pieces of equipment which are found in a fertility laboratory, such as, phase contrast microscopes, CASA systems and immunofluorescent microscopes and a time-lapse system. I can honestly say I left each laboratory session having learnt something new or perfected a technique which I may have previously struggled with. The library was a very helpful place to go and get work done for assignments or simply just doing some research. The environment really allowed work to be done. The group study rooms also came in handy with group projects, allowing us to get our work done in a timely manner.
My advice is, take advantage of every opportunity Leeds has to offer, from all the help available from staff members to all the extracurricular activities on offer. It allows you to make new friends, go on adventures and make amazing new memories.
Now I have completed the course I hope to get a job and gain some experience in the embryology field and fingers crossed one day become a qualified embryologist so I can put all that I’ve learnt over the year to use.