Enhanced in-vivo screening and molecular analysis for colorectal cancer


Standard white light colonoscopy is the current gold standard for the screening and surveillance of individuals at increased risk of colorectal cancer. Although the best option currently available, colonoscopy still misses small and, in particular, flat lesions. Edinburgh Molecular Imaging produce a dye (EMI-137) which, when injected and used in conjunction with a florescence scope, enables the visualisation of these smaller lesions which are typically missed by WL colonoscopy.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of using EMI-137 for injection as a fluorescence diagnostic imaging agent for use in conjunction with red light colonoscopy to improve the overall performance of colonoscopy in detecting colonic polyps. It also aimed at identifying the priorities for further evidence development and propose efficient designs for relevant future research.

As part of this study, early economic modelling was conducted, including a systematic review of existing economic models evaluating colorectal cancer screening, targeted searches to update key parameters, care pathway analysis (this will be partially informed by interviews with endoscopists across the EU), decision analytic modelling, and value of information analysis.



The results of this work will feed into a Phase II Innovate UK application to fund a full clinical trial.