LITE BITES are a selection of 10 minute e-learning packages designed to provide an overview of teaching related subjects. The courses are suitable for clinicians teaching students and clinical educators working in the NHS. They are available online or via the Apple app store.

General teaching

Course title Course description
TiMEtoTeach This course is an introduction to the programmes delivered by Leeds Institute of Medical Education, including the MBChB. It is an overview of curricular needs and educational innovations.
TiMEtoTeach – Internationality This LITE BITE covers internationality in medical education. It introduces teaching tips to educate a global health practitioner.
Why do we need learning aims and objectives? This LITE BITE will help you to write learning aims and objectives and select appropriate teaching and assessment methods to deliver them.
Helping students to become more effective learners! This short guide has been prepared to help you to help your student to become a more effective learner.
Giving feedback The National Student Survey has highlighted issues around the area of feedback. This module illustrates the principles and techniques for giving feedback.
Reflection for learning This module suggests ways to use reflection with students and how it can be assessed. Introductory papers are also suggested for further reading.
Small Group Teaching – Dynamics This LITE BITE contains guidance on methods for improving teaching with small groups, including issues to be aware of and tips on how to improve participation and engagement.
Brief Focused Support for Busy Tutors! This module covers the main types of problems presented to personal tutors and the philosophy of brief focused support.
Careers Guidance - Supporting Students in their Career Decision Making Theories and models underpinning careers guidance. A resource for personal tutors.
Supervising Research Projects This LITE BITE will give essential advice on research supervision. It will take you through the whole process from start to finish with guidance on what you should and should not do. Ideal for first time ESREP tutors.

This is guide for those who have mentoring responsibilities. It describes the principles of mentoring and discusses various strategies to make the most out of the mentoring partnership.

Coaching This is aimed to develop your coaching skills. It describes skills required and a model for structuring coaching sessions.




Medical teaching

Course title Course description
Effective bedside teaching of clinical diagnosis by using case-presentations This module presents a simple and structured approach to teaching clinical diagnosis at the bedside by using case-presentations.
Teaching in Palliative Care This resource, written by palliative care experts, explores the tips used in teaching in highly sensitive environments.


Specialised teaching

Course title Course description
Patient Involvement This resource showcases the work of the Patient | Carer Community and provides tips on how to get involved.
Involving Patient and Carers in the Curriculum The impact of innovative work.


Learning technology

Course title Course description
So what is 'Usability'?  This LITE BITES looks at creating e-learning with relevant and meaningful content. It is the first of a series of LITE BITES looking at e-learning design.
Designing eLearning – Learner and Context This module discusses the purpose of e-learning and the needs of learners. This is the second of the e-learning design LITE BITES series.
Designing e-learning – Technological aspects This module discusses the technological aspects of eLearning design and key questions that should be asked in relation to usability. This is number three in the e-learning design LITE BITES series.
Designing E-Learning – Content This module suggests the points that should be considered for compatibility between content and usability of e-learning. This is number four in the e-learning design LITE BITES series.
Testing for usability – Questionnaires and structured Interview Once the key aspects of usability have been considered next let's consider how to test for usability. This is number five in the e-learning design LITE BITES series.
Testing for usability – Scenarios and thinking aloud Scenarios/thinking aloud give an opportunity to obtain feedback from the learner about usability of e-learning. This module discusses who and what do these methods involve? This is number six in the e-learning design LITE BITES series.