Study abroad testimonials

We're proud of the valuable experience that our year abroad placements offer to our students. Here are some of students who have recently benefited from a year studying abroad:
In conclusion, the work of ASHWINI offers a unique and fascinating insight into a remote underserved population. In just two weeks, I managed to gain an insight into a low resource secondary hospital, community outreach and Area Centres of healthcare but also education and employment opportunities which have revolutionised the lifestyle of some Adivasi individuals. My hope for the future would be for other Student Nurses from the University of Leeds to complete an elective placement at ASHWINI and experience this unique project within an ancient and rapidly changing community.”
On the final Friday of my trip I went back to Copenhagen to do the things I had not already done. I stayed in a hostel on the Nyhavn and explored the area and went on the boat tour and to see the very little statue of the mermaid. In conclusion, I appreciate the opportunity to have been able to go on this trip and came back with a better knowledge of mental health… I feel this will benefit my future practice as a staff nurse as I will be more aware of clinical signs and symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar and schizophrenia
This trip allowed me to demonstrate skills in organisation, time management, as I had to manage university work deadlines and shown I am able to work independently. As a result, I feel this opportunity has improved my confidence in general, alongside my confidence when communicating and caring for children from different cultures especially when language barriers exist. All attributes that I feel will aid in improving my future nursing practice. My placement at Tribhuvan university teaching hospital in Nepal has been a truly valuable experience helping me develop both personal and professional skills. As shown I witnessed many differences in the healthcare system of Nepal and whilst I observed some negative consequences of these I also witnessed the determination of the healthcare staff to utilise their skills and resources to achieve the best care possible for patients.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this placement and definitely feel that it benefited my training greatly. I witnessed and assisted in many procedures that I would not have had the opportunity to do during my placements in Leeds. It has given me an insight into nursing in a developing country and I believe this would be something I would be interested in the future. Thank you to the Student Travel Award for providing me with the money that enabled me to have this incredible experience. I am very grateful for this opportunity and feel it has really benefited my career