Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Isobel Atkinson Isobel Atkinson BSc Adult Nursing
Issy James Issy James Midwifery BSc
Jade psychology 1 Jade Martin Psychology BSc
Jasmine Lobo dental student case study Jasmine Lobo Dental Surgery MChD/BChD, Oral Science BSc and Intercalated Microbiology BSc
The University of Leeds BSc Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) course is one of the lead UK course specailising in training healthcare staff to diagnose and treat patients with cardiac conditions. Jeremy Edgington Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) BSc
BSc Diagnostic Radiography Joanna Ball student case study 2018 Joanna Ball Diagnostic Radiography BSc
Krishma Tanna BSc Audiology student case study 2018 Karishma Tanna Healthcare Science (Audiology) BSc
diagnostic radiography is an undergraduate degree taught by the university of leeds. Katie Barry BSc Radiography
Katie michala bsc psychology alumnus case study 2018 Katie Michala Psychology BSc
Kerrie norris 400 Kerrie Norris Psychology Mpsyc, BSc
Kevin King BSc Mental Health Nursing student case study 2018 Kevin King Nursing (Mental Health) BSc
Kimberley Guy, Adult Nursing Student Kimberley Guy Adult Nursing BSc
Kimberley intercalating Kimberly Smith Clinical Anatomy BSc intercalated
Psychology alumnus case study Kitty Lok 2018 Kitty Lok Psychology BSc Hong Kongese
Laura Beaumont Audiology student case study 2018 Laura Beaumont Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) BSc
diagnostic radiography degree at the university of leeds Laura Hughes BSc Radiography
laura jane edgingham Laura Jane Edgingham Midwifery BSc
Lily Best BSc Midwifery student case study 2018 400x400 Lily Best Midwifery BSc
Louis best BSc Adult Nursing student case study 400x400 Louis Best Nursing (Adult) BSc
louise bottomley BSc Cardiac physiology student case study 2018 Louise Bottomley Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) BSc