Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
louise bottomley BSc Cardiac physiology student case study 2018 Louise Bottomley Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) BSc
the postgraduate diagnostic imaging course at the University of Leeds teachers many ultrasound modules Louise Carr Diagnostic Imaging PGDip
Lucie rudge 400 Lucie Rudge Cognitive Development and Disorders MSc
Student midwife profile Lucile Ferraris Midwifery (Blended Learning) BSc
Lucy Fergusson, Alumni, School of Psychology Lucy Fergusson Psychology
Lucy gallagher bsc psychology alumnus case study 2018 Lucy Gallagher Psychology BSc
Lucy James, Alumni, School of Psychology Lucy James Psychology American
Adult Nursing student Lucy Moore Lucy Moore Adult Nursing BSc
Nursing (Adult) BSc Lucy Oliver Nursing (Adult) BSc
Luke White, previous student at the University of Leeds. Luke White Nursing (Adult) BSc
Maame Owusu-Ansah BSc Psychology alumnus case study 2018 Maame Owusu-Ansah Psychology BSc
Mahmood shah Mahmood Shah Nursing (Mental Health) BSc
Marc Guitart, Alumni, School of Psychology Marc Guitart Psychology Spanish
Margeurite kennedy Margeurite Kennedy PhD Medicine
Maria Bryant, Alumni, School of Psychology Maria Bryant Psychology
Marina Hramkova, Alumni, School of Psychology Marina Hramkova Psychology BSc and MSc
Marjorie teo 400 Marjorie Teo Medicine and Surgery MBChB Malaysian
Mary Power Systemic Family Therapy MSc
Mary Saunders, previous student at the University of Leeds Mary Saunders Nursing (Adult) BSc
Max Flynn