About Medicines Optimisation

Who we are

Pharmacists, health services researchers and social scientists working on research derived from our direct experience with medicines use in clinical practice.

What do we do

We are interested in 'medicines optimisation'ː how medicines are prescribed and reviewed by health professionals, the impact of information people get with their medicines, and how and why people do – and do not - take their medicines. 

Our work  

  • Promoting optimal use of medicines in care homes, including ensuring that residents are not taking unnecessary medicines 
  • Understanding and improving the management of medicines during transfers of care, such as from hospital to home
  • Increasing the effective provision of information to patients about medicines, including the likelihood of benefit and harm
  • Making effective use of medicines to manage long-term pain
  • Improving patients’ adherence to medication advice and regimens

How do we do our research

We collaborate with colleagues nationally (at the University of Bradford, University of East Anglia, and Queen’s University Belfast) and internationally (in Utrecht, Sydney, and North Carolina).