Yorkshire Specialist Register of Cancer in Children and Young People


The Yorkshire Specialist Register of Cancer in Children and Young People is a regional population based register containing detailed demographic and clinical information on children and young adults aged 0-29 years diagnosed with cancer since 1974. The Yorkshire Register facilitates a programme of research investigating the epidemiology of cancer in young people and describing outcomes for long-term survivors.

The YSRCCYP covers the Yorkshire and Humber SHA which has a total population of 5 million people. Spanning an area of 15,000 square kilometres the Yorkshire and Humber SHA comprises a range of urban and rural communities with a significant ethnic minority population resident in parts of West Yorkshire

The Candlelighters Trust has extended funding for the YSRCCYP, enabling data collection and epidemiological research to continue until November 2021.

The Yorkshire Register research team is led by Professor Richard Feltbower

As the YSRCCYP collects personal data, it has very strict data protections. Visit the Documentation section for more information on how we use and protect your data, and the right of individuals and family members to opt-out of data collection.

From 2014 to 2018, 744 patients aged 0-24 were treated in Leeds. 84 patients aged 0-14 and 65 patients aged 15-24 were treated for cancer in Leeds per year on average for the same time period.


tracking yorkshire cancer in young people

Tumours classified according to The International Classification of Childhood Cancer (ICCC) Third Edition.

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